FAM information

The Facility Allocation Model (or FAM) is the subsidy model of sports associations the UT. This model gives guidelines in how the subsidy is distributed over all associations. These guidelines are updated every four years.

FAM guidelines 2024

The FAM consists of three categories: Instruction, Material and Accommodation. The execution of the FAM is done via a spreadsheet. Each association has a separate tab in which the three categories are separated.

FAM sheets

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The FAM for Dummies is a short and practical explanation of how the FAM works. It explains the categories and what you need to do as a board.

FAM for Dummies (English)

FAM for Dummies (Dutch)

Invoices information

Deadlines invoices materials/external accommodation:
– December 10 2024 – 1st half
– June 10 2025 – 2nd half

Deadlines submitting student trainer moments:
– December 10 2024 – period 1 (Aug-Sept-Oct-Nov)
– April 10 2025 – period 2 (Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar)
– July 10 2025 – period 3 (Apr-May-Jun-Jul)

Deadlines invoices volunteers
-December 10 2024 – 1st half
-June 10 2025 – 2nd half

The invoices should be addressed to the following werkordernummer (WO) and grootboeknummer:
– ZZP, instruction PT 17114001-11 4072
– External accommodation 17114001-11 4371
– Material subsidies 17114001-11 4513
– Trainer education 17114001-11 4412
– RT-moments, U.Card 17114001-11 4411
– Volunteer subsidies 17114001-11 4071

Do not send an invoice directly to the university, send a concept invoice to your sportscoordinator first for control; sports-coordination@utwente.nl
– Specify your invoice where possible with: date/period/amount/hours/costs per hour etc.
– Have proof for the invoice, add copies of the original invoice to the association.
Always check it first before sending the invoice to the university.